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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary



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Plymouth Battalion Celebrating 125th birthday

Tuesday 28th January 2014

On Saturday 6th July Plymouth battalion Boys brigade celebrated their 125th birthday with a massive Funday for all the boys, officers and helpers.

The funday was held at two churches, mount Gould Methodist and Salisbury Road Baptist Church. The day started at 11 am with registration of 95 boys and 35 officers and staff. We were delighted that so many boys attended the funday that it exceeded our expectations.

We started with mixed age team games. This took us up to lunchtime which was a picnic lunch sat on the grass in the blazing sun.
All boys were then divided into sections to start to get ready for the activities on offer.

For the Anchors we had Drakes Den soft play bus, craft, sweet bingo and an inflatable assault course.

For the Juniors, Company and Senior Sections we had a climbing wall, inflatable demolition ball, inflatable boxing , circus skills, 20ft slide, Wii archery, sumo suits and laser tag.

The day ended with a buffet tea at Salisbury Road Baptist with all the boys and officers past and present enjoying a time of catching up and chatting.

We all thought the day was a huge success and one of the best battalion events in a long time. All the boys and officers went home with happy(although tired) smiles on their faces and the fab memories of our 125th birthday party.

Perhaps we can have even more faces old and new for the 150th celebrations!


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