KGVI 2015 – Wet but Showered with Blessings!
Tuesday 11th August 2015Thirty-two Cadets survived what was the wettest KGVI in a long, long time. Whilst the rain fell it didn’t dampen the spirits of those who attended and we were showered with blessings as we shared in our week together. Twenty first year Cadets joined 12 returning to complete their second year at Humphreys at Rathmore in what turned out to be an incredible week.
As is our custom the course commenced with our Opening Service and Formal Dinner, with David Guilfoyle, Chief Executive of Youth Council Northern Ireland as our special guest. In his remarks at the dinner David said: ‘Having looked at what is involved in the KGVI Course, once completed, you will have a real impact on your Company, you will have a real impact in your Community and you will have a real impact on Northern Ireland Society”.
The new Boys’ Brigade Disability App was also launched at the Saturday evening dinner before Richard Annett from 3rd Kilkeel BB managed to conquer the ‘Balloon Debate’ in the guise of Beethoven. William Wallace from 1st Cloughwater, our 2015 Course Leader ably supported by the 2015 KGVI Chaplain Desi Paul, Captain of 1st Crumlin managed their team to victory in the annual Treasure Hunt around the Borough of Larne. During the week the Cadets also showed their creativity in creating a Comic Strip story suitable for Under 11’s involving our CRED Superhero, Incredible Ed.
Other activities included a trip to the Cinema and Carnfunock Country Park, with one of the highlights of the week our Inclusive Games Course taken by Disability Sport NI which included wheelchair basketball and blind football.
One of the challenges set for the KGVI Cadets is to put on a ‘Display’. This year’s special guests for the KGVI Annual Display were Drew Buchanan MBE, President of East Antrim Battalion and his wife Karen.
Aside from all that the first year Cadets completed eight core modules from Youth Leader Training and as many practical programme modules, with second year cadets each presenting three Demonstration Programmes.
Daily devotions were focussed around the Ten Commandments, with many opportunities for challenging discussions in our Devotion Groups such as …how many times should we go to church on a Sunday? Can Capital punishment, euthanasia and abortion ever be justified? When does admiration turn to lust? Is being economical with the truth the same as lying? These were only a few of the questions looked at in light of the Bible teaching during the week.
Our thanks must go to our volunteer BB Tutors who despite their lack of sleep did an excellent job and to the guest instructors who helped them out by visiting to deliver sessions throughout the week.