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Juniors100 Triumph!

Friday 26th January 2018

Congratulations go to the 133rd  London company who were the first section to complete The Boys’ Brigade’s Juniors100 Challenge.

The company, based in the Tottenham area of the city, achieved the triumph in the middle of November, a good six weeks before the end of the year.

As part of the challenge, BB members, aged eight to 11, have been encouraged to complete 100 challenges which included activities, such as ‘Taking part in a world record attempt’, ‘Learning basic first aid skills’, ‘Raising £100 for a local charity’ and ‘Trying-out a new sport’. The Boys’ Brigade’s Juniors100 Challenge was one of the many special events to take place to mark 100 years of the Junior Section age group.  Children have been getting active, being creative, learning new skills, exploring and being adventurous whilst helping others in their local communities.

Member of 133rd London, Lewis, 10, said:

 “I liked Juniors100 because there were a lot of different challenges.

“My favourite was the sleepover when we slept in the hall – and my least favourite was stalking 100 pennies, because they kept falling over!”


“My favourite event was Juniors100 camp in the summer.  We took part in lots activities – I especially liked roasting the marshmallows.”

For several of the challenges, the company partnered up with members of the 2nd Haringey company.

Leader-in-charge of 133rd Juniors, Paul Osborne, was very proud of the efforts from the BB members.  He said:

“The Juniors 100 activities that 133rd and 2nd Haringey have taken part in this year have provided the girls and boys with a great opportunity to take part in a range of new and exciting activities as individuals and part of the team.”

“This challenge and the regular activities give them new experiences and help to expand their knowledge of the world around them – all whilst having fun!”

Following on from the success of the Juniors100 Challenge, members have now turned their sights to the International Team Games.  This competition sees Junior members from across the world compete in a series of problem-solving and team challenges.

You can find out more about 133rd London and their Juniors100 Challenge experience on their facebook page .



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