Juniors 100
Friday 18th November 2016In 2017 we will be celebrating the centenary of the Junior Section (Juniors), a significant anniversary in the life of our organisation and one that we hope members will want to celebrate Juniors 100 locally and nationally.
Our celebrations will take place across the calendar year, covering both the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 sessions allowing ample opportunities for local and national events to take place.
There will be activities at a Company level that your Juniors can participate in including the Juniors 100 Challenge, International Team Games, The BIG 100 Party, Comic Relief 2017 as well as programme ideas and resources. These will be alongside national opportunities to celebrate including regional services and events.
We have designed a logo for use at local and national level and this is available to download along with branding guidelines at leaders.boys-brigade.org.uk/juniors100
A special anniversary badge is being produced to be awarded to members of this age group during the year, and this will be available from BB Supplies from January 2017.
There will be a special Juniors 100 pull-out in the Winter 2016/17 Gazette containing more details about how to get involved including programme ideas and resources to help support your celebrations. Further announcements will also be made through the monthly eBB news which goes out to all leaders.