Wednesday 21st July 2021Unite 2021 took place from 28th to 30th May, with a programme of activities being streamed live from Felden Lodge. It was fantastic to see groups from across the country getting involved, with young people taking part via leader-led face-to-face or virtual sessions, or in home settings supported by parents/carers.
The speaker for the weekend was Dez Johnston, Director of Alpha Scotland and EMENA Ambassador for Alpha Youth. Dez focused on the stories of Simon, Esther and Timothy and how we can look to Jesus to help us overcome challenges and difficult times in our lives.
Mornings began with a Thought for the Day which looked at how we view mental health in light of our faith and our whole person being created in the image of God. The programme included a range of competitions for young people to get involved in – well done to all who took part and congratulations to the winners:
Bake Off Showstopper Challenge – Lewis (1st Howden)
Bake Off Signature Challenge – Lauren (3rd Northampton GB) Bake Off Technical Challenge – Naomi (1st Howden)
Escape Room – 4th Bromley
Quiz – 5th Scarborough
Scrapheap Challenge – 7th Doncaster
Taskmaster – 1st Swansea Eastside Seniors
Unite’s Got Talent – Ollie (ProjectB – 3rd Harrogate)
There was also a magic show, science session, craft activity, campfire and a series of challenges. Leaders had the opportunity to join webinars to hear from BB Headquarters and the Programme Team, as well as a Young Leaders Workshop. Many of the sessions are available to watch again on the Unite YouTube channel at youtube.com/unitebb
A big thank you to all those who were involved in planning and running the event, and to all those leaders who gave their time to enable young people in their groups to take part. The Unite Planning Team is excited to confirm that next year’s event will take place on the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend in June 2022.
Stay tuned to the Unite website and social media for more details