Two tier Capitation Fees
Wednesday 21st August 2019After discussions with the Regional Committees, the Executive has agreed to introduce a new format for capitation fees from 2020-2021 session. In future the total will now be split into an HQ element and a Regional element. The HQ element will cover the “core central” costs for the Brigade and will still be set by Brigade Council. The Regional element will be set by the appropriate Regional Committee and is designed to reflect the cost of delivering services in a particular region.
England & Wales and Scotland will have the same Regional element and all fees will continue to be collected via OBM in the same manner. This is a significant change for the Brigade and the Executive hopes this will encourage greater transparency and accountability regarding our finances. The intention is that
each Region will also formulate a method of allowing individual Companies to approve the fees in that region. The initial expectation is that the Regional fees will all be similar, however, there is sufficient flexibility in this new system for the Regional Committees to set differing fees.
As a result, Council in September will be asked to approve an HQ element for 2020-2021 as follows:
£13.50 for young people and leaders / £10.00 for helpers.
The regional element will be £9.00 for young people and leaders (£7.50 for helpers) in England, Scotland and Wales. The fees for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have still to be agreed but are not expected to exceed those in other regions.