Time to Get Active?
Tuesday 9th May 2017A recent survey from The British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that children go off the idea of exercise from as young as seven years old. The findings indicate that there is a sharp decline between the ages of seven and nine, with a further drop as children move into their teenage years.
At the age of seven, the average boy was moderately or vigorously active for one hour 15 minutes a day, the study found, dropping to one hour 10 minutes by the age of nine, and just an hour by the age of 12. By the age of 15, the figure is just 51 minutes, the research shows.
Is Tech the Biggest Barrier?
The study points to technology, such as tablets and smart phones, as having the biggest detrimental effect. Another factor which has a part to play is that more children are getting a lift to school, rather than walking.
In The Boys’ Brigade, much of the programme and activities are geared to getting young people more active – both indoors and outdoors. Play, sport and recreation are prominent throughout a young person’s journey through the organisation, but is there more that The BB could or should be doing?
Exercise, of course, plays an important role in children and young people’s physical health – both within and out with BB – but it’s also been shown as a way to boost confidence and mental wellbeing.
These findings have been announced at a time when the England & Wales Regions have launched the Get Active roadshow events for Junior, Company and Senior members, whilst there has also been a Brigade-wide survey into how much physical activity currently takes place in each of our age groups.
In our Get Active 2017 survey, you told us…
- 78% of sections provide at least half an hour of sport each week
- 25% include over an hour of physical activity every week
- Amongst the most popular activities BB offers its members… football, dodgeball, table-tennis, badminton and swimming
- Sections spend an average of £120 on sports equipment annually
Discuss this with your group
- Do you undertake less physical activity now compared to when you were seven or eight?
- Is it fair to blame the decline on technology alone?
- What other barriers are there to being more active?
- What more would you like to see The BB and others doing to help?
- Do you and does you section have access to good-quality facilities and equipment?
Share what your young people think, email us at: gazette@boys-brigade.org.uk
Continue the conversation on Twitter: @BBgazette using hashtag #BBvoice and #GetActive