The Big Question – Global Fellowship
Thursday 6th February 2014We asked Adric, CEO of Global Fellowship…
Q Can BB Companies connect with other Companies around the world?
A Of course! Global Fellowship would really encourage BB Companies in the UK & RoI to get in contact with other BB Companies and member organisations around the world. It’s a great way of providing an international experience without necessarily having to leave your home town!
Partnering with a Company in another part of the world… BB can play a large part of a young person’s development of international understanding and co-operation through contacts with young people from other countries and cultures. This international contact helps young people to develop an awareness of life outside their own immediate sphere, and assists them in recognising and respecting the differences that exist between the nations and races of the world.
Q What factors should be considered when making contact?
A Boys’ Brigade can take many different forms in different countries, with everything from age groups, section names, uniforms, badges, games, prayers, regulations, typical activities, how often BB meets, leadership training and structure all being very different to what you are used to and what BB is to you and your Company.
It is important that both parties are clear and explicit when discussing the partnership, including what both parties are hoping to get out of the partnership and what you are willing to put into it (in time and energy).
Some ideas to get you thinking…
Corresponding with a Company abroad (partner group) is not just about writing letters or emails! There are many different methods of communication and exchange that can be used to establish a varied and exciting partnership. For example, you could exchange: Company newsletters, postcards, posters, scrapbooks, badges, photos, videos or may be even birthday cards.
You could also think about other ideas such as an ‘Exchange Night’ where you hold a typical BB night from your partner group as they hold a typical BB night from your Company, undertake a badge from each other’s award scheme, exchange your favourite BB games, hold joint prayers on Skype, challenge your partner group to a competition, hold an international evening devoted to your partner group with films, videos, games and national dishes from your partner group’s country. In some cases there might even be the possibility that young people from your Company could go on an International Camp or a visit.
Contact Global Fellowship at adric@globalfellowship.net
For more information visit globalfellowship.net