Supporting Your 2020-21 Session
Wednesday 12th August 2020Through our partnerships with the Church of Scotland Guild and CashBack for Communities, we are able to provide financial support to Companies across Scotland.
‘Faith in Young People’ is the title of our project with the Church of Scotland Guild. Using funds received from this partnership, we have established a mini-grants scheme
to support the development and growth of Companies in Scotland. The aim of the mini-grants scheme is to support the growth of The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland and to improve the quality of the experience offered to members and leaders.
Grants of up to £1,000 may be applied for. The funds can be used to support your programme development, for example through:
- the purchase of programme-related equipment
- accessing training
- trips/visits
- instructor costs for a particular activity
- promotional/recruitment materials
The next round of the mini-grants scheme has an application deadline of 1st September 2020
More information can be found by visiting
Generation CashBack funding continues to support young people across Scotland. 55 Boys’ Brigade projects have now been supported in the past three years, benefitting nearly 500 young people. Funding is available to support young people (aged 10+) in the top 20% areas of social deprivation in each local authority. You may not think you’re eligible, but it is worth getting in touch to find out. You might be surprised!
The support can help to develop Companies’ work in the following broad areas:
1. Grow: Supporting growth in membership, programme and opportunities
2. Lead: Supporting leadership training opportunities for young people
If you think your Company or Battalion could benefit from CashBack, please get in touch with Jackie Wilson, Development Officer, by emailing jackie.wilson@boys-brigade.org.uk or calling 01324 550 859.