Staffing Review
Wednesday 21st August 2019Following a decision by the Brigade Executive a number of changes to the Brigade staffing structure have recently been introduced.
Jonathan Eales has become the Operations Director and his role now includes oversight of the finance team and safeguarding. Chris Norman has moved to a new position of Development Support Manager. Six staff either volunteered or were selected for redundancy and as a result the following staff members have now left the Brigade’s Service:
- Rhona Drummond, Administrator, Scottish HQ
- Karen Jay, Director of Youth & Children’s Work, UK & RoI Headquarters
- Robbie Powell, Support Team, UK & RoI Headquarters
- Deborah Seton, Catering Manager, Carronvale
- Lois Strawn, Support Team, UK & RoI Headquarters
- Gemma Scott, Housekeeper, Carronvale
In addition, Niall Rolland left Scottish HQ to take up a post with a new employer and Ian McCallum, Scottish HQ retired at the end of June. The Executive would again like to record its grateful thanks to all the above for their loyal and dedicated service to the Brigade over the past years.
As part of the review a number of new roles were created, these have now been advertised and new staff members will soon be in posts. These posts are: –
- Safeguarding Manager, UK & RoI Headquarters
- Communications & Engagement Officer, UK & RoI HQ/England & Wales HQ
- Communications & Engagement Officer, Scottish HQ
- Development Worker, Wales & South West England
An organogram of the revised structure can be found at: leaders.boys-brigade.org.uk/staffingreview.pdf
Bill Stevenson has also indicated that he will be leaving the Brigade at the end of 2019. The Executive is considering the future role of Brigade Secretary and has agreed that Jonathan Eales will act as Brigade Secretary from 1st January 2020.