Raise The Bar Roadshows
Thursday 23rd May 2019During February and March the Scottish HQ team, with the support of volunteers and external agencies, delivered a series of training roadshows tied in with the Brigade’s ‘Raise The Bar’ campaign. Nearly 100 Leaders attended one of the events in Edinburgh, Perth, Banff and Renfrew. In addition to an update on the new programme materials and the Guild project, the events also included training workshops in areas of ASN, mental health, faith development and STEM.
John Sharp, Director for Scotland, said:
“Our Raise the Bar roadshows proved to be a great opportunity to meet with leaders, update them on developments within the Brigade and also spend some time looking at specific areas of training.
“The workshops topics were based on what leaders told us they’d like to focus on through our end-of-session survey
“We should always be asking the question ‘how can we make the BB as good as it can be?’ and the Roadshows have provided an excellent platform for everyone involved to share ideas on this. Our hope is that we can secure funding to run similar events again soon.”
Scottish HQ delivered these events with the support from YouthLink Scotland’s National Voluntary Youth Organisation support fund.