Programme Planning
Wednesday 21st August 201920 SEP – 2 NOV
Hosted every four years, the Rugby World Cup is Rugby Union’s centre piece event, with teams from all across the world competing. The 2019 tournament is being held in Japan from 20th September to 2nd November. Get your group involved by watching a match, learning something about the sport, trying out some skills or organising your own rugby match.
Check out rugbyworldcup.com
18 OCT
Anti-Slavery Day, provides an opportunity to raise awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery, and encourage government, local authorities, companies, charities and individuals to do what they can to address the problem.
Find out more at antislaveryday.com
11 NOV – 15 NOV
Anti-Bullying Week shines a spotlight on bullying and encourages all children, teachers, youth workers and parents to take action against bullying throughout the year. The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2019 is ‘Change Starts With Us’. Discuss the effects of bullying with the young people and look at cyber bullying.
Check out anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/anti-bullying-week