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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

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Pray Love Manchester

Wednesday 7th May 2014

Manchester Battalion took part in a week of Prayer in support of “Pray Love Manchester”, an initiative where Churches and organisations sign up to commit to each leading a week of prayer.

The overall aim being that there will be continuous prayer in Greater Manchester for all 52 weeks of 2014. The Battalion set out to work together to challenge Companies and their young people to explore their faith and feeling towards both prayer and God. It was a great opportunity for Companies to work with their church and reach out to engage with the local community. Fourteen Companies got involved throughout the week; some dedicated 24 hours to prayer, others dedicating their parade night to a night of prayer.

Games, crafts and other programme ideas were used to help the children and young people engage, and Companies and Churches worked together to put on coffee mornings and prayer meetings which generated interest from the local community.

The week was a great success, smashing expectations, with positive reports and inspiring stories of how young people and leaders alike had engaged. The Battalion was presented with the Pray Love Manchester baton (a book compiling the prayers of Manchester) by Manchester Street Pastors at the beginning of the week; it then travelled over 200 miles across the Greater Manchester area visiting BB Companies, with each being able to put something of their own into the book. The baton was then passed on to Greater Manchester Christian Police Association. The week touched many and the thoughts and activities of BB members, leaders and church members will be passed on and seen by others as the baton moves on and continues its journey throughout 2014.

Follow Manchester Battalion on Twitter @mcrbattalionbb

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