News from Global Fellowship: Developments in East Africa
Monday 20th February 2017The former East African Regional Fellowship consisted of member organisations from Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda and these met in Nairobi in March 2016 with Tim Pratt, GF Consulting Partner and Steve Dickinson, CEO and were joined by a colleague from DR Congo to look at area of mutual concern.
Steve returned to the area in December and attended a Leadership Conference in Lugazi, Uganda. Here with around 90 leaders from Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda he shared in the programme and explained the main thrust of the new GF Strategic Plan in which there was a commitment to supporting capacity development of member organisations and that although the formal requirement for Regional Fellowships had gone, GF would still support organisations to work together for mutual benefit.
Leaders at the conference also took part in worship, music, practical workshops, and sports and undertook a community project at the local hospital where they prayed for the patients and staff and tidied up the grounds.
Continued prayers are asked for the work in East Africa and that the seeds that were planted will bear much fruit.
Find out more about Global Fellowship at globalfellowship.net