Make a difference in our community
Friday 21st August 2015The ‘Our Community’ Week campaign will run throughout the 2015-2016 session, focussing around a week of social action. It’s all about making a difference in our communities, through a nationally coordinated initiative with a truly local impact.
We know that many of you are already engaging with and making a positive impact in your local community, and this initiative is not to undermine the fantastic work that is already going on, but all about building on what you are already doing, and if possible planning some of these initiatives to coincide with the ‘Our Community’ week of social action. We’ve pencilled in 26th September to 4th October 2015 but remember there is the freedom to do this at a time best suited to your needs in your local area.
You will find some great examples of local work already going on across the country in case studies featured on this page and also on the Our Community webpage; these fantastic examples are just a small selection of local initiatives we have been made aware of and we want to be able to share more of the amazing work being done in Companies by children and young people across the Brigade.
We’ve put together a range of resources to help support you in your local initiatives; these include banners, posters, balloons, press releases, cartoons and we’ve added hundreds of photos to our online photo library. Go to boys-brigade.org.uk/ourcommunity to access all these resources.
We want to challenge every Company to get involved in some way, consider what each age group could get up to, and encourage parents and family members and your church congregation to also get involved. So, when planning your programme for next session, consider how you could build in activities for community week, remember it’s all about making a difference in our communities. But don’t worry if you cannot fit in with the week of social action, get involved when it is appropriate and let us know what you get up to.
If you have any questions send an email to ourcommunityweek@boys-brigade.org.uk
Registering your event/activity
It would be great if your Company could register your event/activity using our online form to let us know what you are getting up to. In return you will be sent out a bespoke event/activity pack we have put together to help you promote, run and celebrate your event/activity. The pack contains a banner, poster, balloons and other resources. Just go to the Our Community webpage to register your event/activity today, packs will be sent out within 5 working days from 1st August 2015.