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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

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Make a Difference Awards 2016

Friday 18th November 2016

We celebrated the achievements of four young people from across the Brigade at a special presentation at BBC Broadcasting House on Wednesday 12th October 2016.

The 2016 award winners were presented with their Make a Difference Awards by the Brigade President, Lord Griffiths of Burry Port and BBC Radio 2 Presenter, Chris Evans at a presentation inside the studios of BBC Radio 2.

This year’s award winners included:

Mitchell Powell of the 3rd Chelmsford Company in England for his work at a local cycling club where he has helped coach younger members. Mitchell also adds to his volunteering efforts as a leader with Anchors and Juniors in his Company.

Lewis Shillinglaw of the 1st Loanhead Company in Scotland for the remarkable amount of volunteering with the Thornton Rose Riding for the Disabled Project. Lewis has spent in excess of 220 hours assisting the charity, which provides riding opportunities for people of all ages and disabilities.

Keelan Leeper of the 1st Bluestone Company in Northern Ireland for his volunteering as a Junior leader at the Goal Line Youth Trust. Keelan has been involved for over 3 years, meeting for 2 hours every Friday night and often attending planning meetings and discussion groups. He particularly enjoys spending time with and encouraging young people with disabilities and special needs as well as those from migrant countries.

Adam Morris of the 21st Cardiff Company in Wales for his volunteering as an Anchor Boy leader. Adam has been volunteering with this age group for over 5 years and has also given up additional time to help plan and deliver the very successful BB event ‘Unite’ at Felden Lodge.

The award winners were interviewed live in the BBC Radio 2 studio during the Chris Evan’s Breakfast Show and had the opportunity to chat with Chris Evan’s and also meet fellow Radio 2 presenter Ken Bruce, an ex-BB member from Glasgow.

Following the presentations of the Make A Difference awards, Brigade Secretary, Bill Stevenson said “Congratulations to Mitchell, Lewis, Keelan and Adam. We are exceptionally proud of them. Like so many BB young people, they go above and beyond to help others. The Boys’ Brigade aims to make a difference in the lives of young people, like our winners, who give so much to help others. These young people are an inspiration and thoroughly deserve this recognition.”

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