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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

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Let’s look at Leprosy

Wednesday 12th February 2014

Junior Sections in Presbyterian Churches across the District have learnt about leprosy during the past year, discovering that it is not something found only in ancient times, but still causes suffering today. However, they have also learnt that it is no longer an incurable disease. If diagnosed and treated at an early stage, people can be helped to live a normal life.

In addition to learning about leprosy, the boys have been contributing money to help leprosy sufferers in India, where half of the world’s leprosy patients are found. £7,500 has been contributed to support the Koraput Leprosy Centre in Orissa, India. £1,500 was also given to the Jivandwar Leprosy Rehabilitation Centre in Gujurat – this was founded by Irish Presbyterian missionaries and today is managed by the Church of North India. A further donation of £1,000 was made to the worldwide work of The Boys’ Brigade, via the Global Fellowship.

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