Launching #BBatHOME Programme
Tuesday 28th April 2020With the outbreak of the Coronavirus in the UK, our face-to-face meetings with over 40,000 children and young people have had to be suspended.
In response to this, on Friday 20th March we launched #BBatHOME a new programme to enable The Boys’ Brigade to continue to reach out to members and non- members alike with opportunities to learn, grow and discover through a balanced programme of activities in their own homes supported by their parents/carers.
Through this alternative programme we believe we will see…
- opportunities for all our members to engage in a fun and exciting programme of activities.
- children and young people getting into the Bible and having the opportunity to come to know Jesus for themselves.
- leaders continuing to engage with the BB family and build on the well-established relationships with children and young people and their parents/carers.
- The Boys’ Brigade sharing a positive message of hope by showing how we care for and support our members and their families.
- opportunities for children and young people to be recognised for their participation and achievements.
- engagement by non-members, recognising that this will be a difficult time for children and young people who are restricted in their activities
There are a number of elements to the #BBatHOME programme including:
Weekly Activity Packs
Each week we are providing an activity pack containing 6 activities, one from each of our Activity Areas (Get Active, get Adventurous, Get Creative, Get into the Bible, Get Involved and Get Learning) for Anchors, Juniors and Company/Seniors age groups.
Opportunities for children and young people to get involved with a number of competitions – there are prizes to be won!
We’ve launched the first of our #BBatHOME competitions with BB’s Got Talent, an opportunity
for children, young people and leaders to show off their talents, whether it is singing, dancing, playing an instrument, magic, comedy, a skill (i.e. circus, sports, etc) or anything else!
Find out more at boys-brigade.org.uk/bbathome-competitions/
Weekly Devotional Videos
Each week we will be sharing devotional videos for leaders and children & young people to watch.
Guidance has also been put together for leaders, which provides more detail about what the #BBatHOME programme offers and ideas about how leaders can deliver the programme to members through their parents/carers.
Running ‘Virtual Sessions’
To support the #BBatHOME programme, we have been looking at ways for our leaders and young people to stay safely connected through ‘Virtual Sessions’ during this period. As such we now have some guidance for leaders on how to setup and host interactive virtual sessions with children & young people, in line with what is happening with schools and other youth organisations.
Check out the ‘Staying Connected – Virtual Sessions’ guidance at boys-brigade.org.uk/bbathome-bb-leaders/
We’ve had a fantastic response so far to the #BBatHOME programme, with members and non- members alike getting involved, trying out the weekly activities, entering competitions and engaging with our devotional videos. The programme is really enabling
us to stay connected with our members and reach out into the wider community to support children and young people through these challenging times.
There’s been lots of activity on social media with great photos and videos being shared by parents/carers of children and young people taking part in the activities and challenges. You can catchup with all that is going on by searching for #BBatHOME on social media.
If you’re Company has not yet got involved and shared the programme with members then we would really encourage you to do so. The first step is to organise a meeting with your staff team by phone or video conference so you can have some discussion about what you might want to do and how you will go about it.
You can find all the guidance and resources at boys-brigade.org.uk/BBatHOME/