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Impact of Volunteering Research

Thursday 20th August 2015

Volunteer Now launched an ‘Evaluation of the Impact of Volunteering in the Uniformed Organisations in Northern Ireland’ report at Stormont on 26 March 2015. Representatives from Northern Ireland District attended, along with those from the other uniformed organisations in Northern Ireland: Catholic Guides of Ireland, Scouting Ireland, The Girls’ Brigade NI, Girlguiding Ulster and the Scout Association NI. The research highlights the vital contribution made by volunteers in a wide range of roles – leaders, administration, training, and governance. Respondents highlighted their positive experiences, describing their volunteering as ‘challenging’, ‘amazing’ and although hard work most felt that it was worthwhile. They also felt their skills were being well used, they received useful and relevant training and their contribution was valued. Parents and young people valued highly the immense contribution made by the volunteers, recognising that without them, the work simply would not happen. The full report highlights figures such as ‘volunteers contribute 13,820,988 hours every year’ and can be downloaded from the BBNI Website (in the downloads section under the ‘Resources’ heading).

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