Growth in Hong Kong
Thursday 27th July 2017Brigade Secretary/CEO Bill Stevenson recently visited Hong Kong and shares how BB has evolved in Hong Kong since 1962.
The Boys’ Brigade Hong Kong (BBHK) was established 1959 when the 1st Company in Union Church Hong Kong and the 2nd Company in YMCA were set up. Five years later the BB was introduced to local Chinese children when the 3rd Hong Kong Company was established. The Hong Kong Council of the Boys’ Brigade was formed in 1962 and it was renamed as The Boys’ Brigade, Hong Kong in 1985.
In 1984 BB Hong Kong set up Non-uniformed divisions which have provided social services and training experiences across the territory. Recently they have also launched a new recycling project. The development of BBHK undertook a revolutionary change when girls became members in 1986 and the first mixed Company was set up. Now all Companies are open to both sexes. In addition they now operate with five different sections starting with “Anchor Lambs” for three and four year olds, these groups mainly meet in schools and usually have the children’s teachers as leaders.
Entering the 21st Century, BBHK has continued to flourish. The Brigade has continued to expand and the membership has almost tripled. Many Companies now operate in local schools as well as having links to their local churches. Each year BBHK holds an impressive Rally and Parade to mark Founders Day.