Global Round-up
Wednesday 3rd February 2021BB Relaunches in India
The Boys’ Brigade has relaunched in India, with 1st Poona (in Pune, near Mumbai) having been meeting for over a year. The Company meets twice a day every day of the week and has recently started Anchors and Juniors age groups.
Love Box Project in Malaysia
BB Malaysia recently ran its annual Love Box project, where supporters were encouraged to make donations which were used to share resources including face masks and food items with BB members in communities across the country.
BBNZ Spy Camp
Over 100 young people and leaders from the Auckland and Northern Region in New Zealand came together for a Spy Camp, with a variety of activities including camp fires, adventure trails, water slides, team challenges and more. Even late night heavy rain couldn’t dampen the campers’ spirits!
Award Presentations in the Cook Islands
Arorangi No. 2 in the Cook Islands held a ceremony which included promotions and award presentations, and also saw the revival of the Company’s drumming band.
New Brigade President in Ghana
The BB in Ghana held an induction service to welcome its new President, Moses Foh-Amoaning. The President is pictured with members of 106th Accra.
BB Bahamas Assists Virtual Learning
BB Bahamas National Council donated tablets to 55th Bahamas in an effort to assist their children and young people with virtual learning.