Global Fellowship Update
Tuesday 9th May 2017The Executive Committee of Global Fellowship met at Felden Lodge to look at ways to implement its recently adopted three-year strategic plan.
The plan’s main focus is:
To support our member organisations to provide a positive and engaging experience for their young people
Thus the emphasis of our work will be with senior staff and Board members of national organisations to develop their capacity to best deliver their organisational objectives.
The Committee sees the Consulting Partners’ programme linking skilled key volunteers with organisations in a geographical area as a significant factor in supporting members address strategic development. Linked to this, the Investing in Member Organisations grants programme was reviewed to include other forms of support required as well as finance. Finance is often critical, but by itself does not guarantee sustainable development. The two programmes will become more interconnected as Consulting Partners support organisations to submit viable grant applications and also play a monitoring role in project implementation.
There is much to be thankful for and news was shared of the recently started Brigade work in Mozambique. Our colleagues there are seeking to expand provision and have requested further support with training, translation of materials into Portuguese and access to uniforms. GF is co-ordinating help from neighbouring countries and is grateful to BB Zambia for its leadership. There was also positive news from the Caribbean area with Boys’ Brigade started in the Turks Islands thanks to an initiative from The Bahamas. Also in the region, Brigade work on Anguilla has seen a recent upsurge in interest and GF will support workshops for leaders highlighting the island’s success and methods used at the Caribbean Camp to be held in Antigua in July where hopefully this will act as a catalyst for resurgence amongst the other islands.
Your prayers and support for the work of GF are gratefully acknowledged and should there be any particular pieces of work you would like to find more about or could assist in any way, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with Steve Dickinson at steve@globalfellowship.net