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Get Active: Running memory game

Tuesday 9th August 2016

How it works…

Test the children’s memories and get them running around with this great game.

Before being able to play this game you need to gather up a variety of objects (i.e. pen, badge, cup, hat, scarf, etc), and you need two of each. Setup a table at each end of your meeting place and get the children into pairs facing each other sitting in two long lines, and number the pairs. Divide the objects into two groups but keep the pairs (two of each) together. Place one group of objects on to each table. Go through the objects so everyone knows where they are. Now call out the number of one of the pairs and one of the items (eg Three – Hat). The children get up and run to the table where the item is, pick it up, run to the other table and put it down and return to their space. The first player to do this is the winner.

Keep the scores if you want to make it a competition. After a few rounds, all the items will have moved location and it will become more difficult to remember where they are.

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