Get Active: Human Pac Man
Tuesday 9th May 2017Set Up
This may be the ONE TIME that you are thankful your church has pews. You can also use rows of chairs in a multi-purpose room, too.
Get your hands on a copy of the Pac Man maze (available on the Internet). If you are using pews, just place duct tape across the pews at the appropriate places to resemble the “dead ends” and “walls” that the game needs.
Don’t forget to make a boundary around the entire playing area, and the “holding cell” in the middle! If you are using chairs, you can just set it up like the maze.
When you have the set-up of the maze completed, take one colour (RED) of “saucers” that Pac Man will be after and place them in the maze like the classic game. You can also use pieces of A5 paper. Also place a couple of (BLUE) saucers in the maze for Pac Man to pick up so he can defend himself against the ghosts. Now you’re ready to play.
- Choose one person to be Pac Man and make him or her wear a RED bib
- Choose 3-5 ghosts and make them wear a different coloured bib
- The object of the game – Pac Man must pick up all of the saucers without being caught by the ghosts.
- Give Pac Man a 20 second head start on all of the ghosts.
- Then, every 10 seconds, release a ghost into the playing area.
- If Pac Man is about to be tagged by one of the ghosts, he can hand the ghost a saucer and the ghost must return to the holding cell for 10 seconds.
- The ghost must be in the same ‘lane’ to tag Pac Man. In other words, the ghost can’t reach over the back of a pew or between chairs and tag Pac Man.
- Pac Man gets three lives to accomplish his goal of clearing all of the saucers off the maze and exiting.
- Pac Man can run, but the ghosts must walk.
- If Pac Man is tagged three times before he collects all the saucers, the ghosts win.
- If Pac Man collects all the saucers before he/she is tagged three times, Pac Man wins.