Elections to Regional Committees
Wednesday 7th March 2018We are coming up to the annual elections for representative members on the five Regional Committees (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Republic of Ireland and Wales) that operate across the Brigade. There are a number of vacancies and/or representatives that are up for re-election as they will finish their current term at the end of this session. Representative members are elected for three years at a time and may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms of office. Any registered BB leader or member of the Brigade who has reached their 16th birthday can be nominated. Nominations for election to a Regional Committee must be sent to the Regional Director by 31st March 2018.
England Region
Areas (Districts) where there are vacancies due to the current representative members completion of term or where there is currently no representative member:
- East Anglia
- West Midlands
- West Midlands (Under 26)
- East Midlands
- East Midlands (Under 26)
- South Midland
- South Midland (Under 26)
- Southern (Under 26)
Area (Districts) where representative member is currently co-opted but willing to be nominated:
- London – Ashley Lampard
- North of England (Under 26) – George Ebberson
Areas (Districts) where the current representative member completes their current term this session, but has indicated they are willing to stand for another 3 year term:
- East Anglia (Under 26) – Thomas Mundell
- London (Under 26) – Kelechi Aofolaju
- North of England – Derick Lawson
- North West – Rob Henderson
- North West (Under 26) – Rachael Knowles
- Southern – Paul Haggan
- West of England (Under 26) – Tim Lawrence
- Yorkshire & Humberside – Vicki Brownlee
- Yorkshire & Humberside (Under 26) – Alice Sullivan
Republic of Ireland Region
Areas where there are vacancies due to the current representative members completion of term or where there is currently no representative member:
There are currently 5 vacancies on the committee.
Northern Ireland Region
Areas where there are vacancies due to the current representative members completion of term or where there is currently no representative member:
- Northern Area (Antrim, Ballymena, Coleraine, East Antrim, Londonderry, Route): 3 representatives, 3 under 26 representatives
- Central Area (Belfast): 2 representatives, 2 under 26 representatives
- Southern Area (Ards, Down, Lurgan, Mid-Ulster, Portadown, West Ulster): 3 representatives, 1 under 26 representatives
Scotland Region
Areas where there are vacancies due to the current representative members completion of term or where there is currently no representative member:
- Glasgow (Under 26)
- East Lowland
- East Lowland (Under 26)
- Lanarkshire
Areas (Districts) where the current representative member completes their current term this session, but has indicated they are willing to stand for another 3 year term:
- West Lowland – David Love
Wales Region
Areas where there are vacancies due to the current representative members completion of term or where there is currently no representative member:
- Cardiff
- Cardiff
- Vale of Glamorgan
- Swansea & West Wales
- Newport Area & Caerphilly
- Newport Area & Caerphilly (Under 26)
- Newport Area & Caerphilly (Under 26)
- Vale of Glamorgan (Under 26)
- Cardiff (Under 26)
- Cardiff (Under 26)
- North Wales (Under 26)
Areas (Districts) where the current representative member completes their current term this session, but has indicated they are willing to stand for another 3 year term:
- Cardiff – David Martin
- Newport Area & Caerphilly – Karen Jones
- Swansea & West Wales (Under 26) – Anthony Williamson-Coates