Church of Scotland Guild
Monday 27th April 2020Our partnership with the Church of Scotland Guild is one of the most exciting areas of our current work, and provides us with an opportunity to raise our profile in Churches across Scotland as well as generating funds to support growth and development. The Church of Scotland Guild fundraised over £50,000 for The Boys’ Brigade in the first year of our partnership. The generous support that we have received throughout the partnership is humbling; and the work that this support has allowed to take place is inspiring.
281 Guild talks have either taken place or are booked in across Scotland. It has been a privilege to speak to Guild members about the progress The Boys’ Brigade is making today.
Have you applied for the Mini-Grants Scheme?
The Church of Scotland Guild’s support has allowed us to launch a mini-grants scheme. Many Companies have already applied to the scheme to support their work with children and young people, and nearly £20,000 has been awarded to Companies so far. As we move through 2020, we are hopeful that more Companies will take the opportunity to apply for this support.
More information can be found by visiting boys-brigade.org.uk/scotland/guildpartnership/
Our three-year partnership with the Church of Scotland Guild has a project title of ‘Faith in Young People’, which is very fitting for the work that The Boys’ Brigade carries out each week.
Growth in Faith
A partnership has been formed with Alpha Scotland and we are working together to improve the way that we encourage young people to explore Christian faith. Their tools, resources and support have been shared with our membership in Scotland, and we look forward to working closely with Alpha as we move through 2020 to share more resources.
Alex McLean, 19, 5th Hamilton
“I think The Boys’ Brigade is vital in helping to grow faith within young people. Even in Anchor Boys listening to Bible stories helps to build a foundation.
I personally found that The Boys’ Brigade gave me a platform to ask questions I wasn’t comfortable asking elsewhere, and it let me explore my faith.”
Growth in Community Partnerships/Engagement
We know there are opportunities to work more effectively with partners which will be of mutual benefit to the young people we work with and our partners. We have been developing those partnerships and have enjoyed seeing the benefits that they bring to young people.
Growth in Young People
Young people are at the heart of everything that The Boys’ Brigade does. As an organisation, we embrace new challenges because each year we see the incredible difference that The Boys’ Brigade makes on the lives of so many young people.
We have run new training courses at Carronvale House for young people. The two new courses, Creative Media and Young STEM Leader (an SCQF Level 6 course), were well received by the young people who attended the courses, and we look forward to their continuation in 2020.