Brigade Staffing Update
Monday 27th April 2020New Appointments
We are pleased to announce the recent appointments of Simon McNeill as Development Worker for Central Scotland and Stephen Taylor as Support & Development Lead for London.
Coronavirus Update
As you will be aware, COVID-19 (coronavirus) has had an impact on businesses, charities and families across the world. The global pandemic has, regretfully, affected The Boys’ Brigade too with income streams for the organisation being reduced significantly since the social distancing restrictions came into force, with considerable uncertainty around when restrictions will ease. The Brigade has taken the decision to take action to protect jobs and to provide financial stability for the longer term.
As of 1st April, the Brigade has been operating a reduced staffing structure, with a significant number of staff going on ‘Furlough leave’, as part of the Government’s Job Retention Scheme.
Over the coming weeks the focus will be on delivering the #BBatHOME programme, providing essential support to leaders, including the safeguarding function, and in complying with our statutory obligations. You will still be able to contact us by phone or email in the normal way, although please recognise it may take longer to respond to your query. BB Supplies will continue to operate as normal as the distribution element is outsourced, with adequate contingency measures in place.
We will be reviewing the situation on a monthly basis and further short-term changes to the staffing structure may be required. The furlough arrangements for staff will be for the shortest period possible. Updates will be communicated through the weekly eBB News to leaders and on our dedicated webpage at boys-brigade.org.uk/coronavirus-managing-the-risk/