Brigade Council 2022 – Annual General Meeting
Friday 29th July 2022NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of THE BOYS’ BRIGADE will be held at Lighthouse Christian Centre, 12 Coronet Way, Salford M50 1RE on Saturday 3rd September at 2pm to consider the following business:-
AGM Agenda
- To receive the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022 together with the Reports of the Brigade Executive and Auditors thereon.
- To agree the capitation fees for the 2022/23 session.
- To re-appoint Whiting and Partners as the independent auditors of The Boys’ Brigade until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and to authorise the Brigade Executive to fix their remuneration.
- To appoint Brigade Office Bearers for Session 2022/23 as proposed by the Brigade Executive.
- To consider three motions in the name of the Brigade Executive to update Section Three of Brigade Regulations (The Organisation – Regulations & Procedures) and Schedule B (Terms of Service for Members of National Bodies).
Full details of the motion wording can be found at boys-brigade.org.uk/brigade-conference - To transact any other lawful business.
By order of the Brigade Executive
Jonathan Eales
Chief Executive