Brigade Council 2019 – Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 22nd May 2019NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of THE BOYS’ BRIGADE will be held at the Marriot Hotel, Swansea on Saturday 7th September at 2pm to consider the following business:-
AGM Agenda
To receive the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2019 together with the Reports of the Brigade Executive and Auditors thereon.
To agree the capitation fees for the 2020/21 session.
To re- appoint Whiting and Partners as the independent auditors of The Boys’ Brigade until the conclusion of the next Annual general Meeting and to authorise the Brigade Executive to fix their remuneration.
To appoint Brigade Office-bearers for Session 2019/20 as proposed by the Brigade Executive.
To consider motions:
(i) in the name of the Brigade Executive
(ii) in the name of London District
relating to the size and method of election of the Brigade Executive.
To consider and if thought fit, approve other amendments to Brigade Regulations proposed by the Brigade Executive.
Accountable Autonomy – report from Brigade Executive regarding the implementation of Northern Ireland District’s Motion approved in 2017.
To transact any other lawful business.
The full wording of motions can be found at leaders.boys-brigade.org.uk/council.htm
Any proposed amendments to the motions should be sent to the Brigade Secretary at Brigade HQ to arrive no later than 9.00am on Friday 31st May 2019.
By order of the Brigade Executive
William C.F. Stevenson – Brigade Secretary
20 March 2019
All Members of Brigade Council as defined by the Articles of Association are entitled to be present and vote at this meeting or, in their absence, they may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. A form of proxy will be sent to all members with the Autumn Gazette and, if used, should be returned to the Company’s Registered Office not later than 2.00pm on Monday 2nd September 2019.
The Members of Brigade Council are: Companies, Area Groups (Battalions & Districts), Members of the Brigade Executive and Members of Regional Committees.
Registered Office: The Boys’ Brigade, Felden Lodge, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP3 0BL Registered Company No: 145122 Registered Charity No: 305969 and in Scotland number: SC038016.