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Boys Sleep Out for Homeless

Tuesday 26th January 2016

Nine members of 1st Dunbar Company swapped the warmth of their beds for a night sleeping on an Edinburgh street for charity. The boys aged between 13 and 15, joined more than 40 other youngsters for the sleepout on George Street.

Company Captain, Sandy Mitchell, said “The teenagers were delighted to do their bit to support The Rock Trust. The Sleep Out involved them sleeping on the pavement in a sleeping bag between 7pm and 7am. Mainly through sponsorship the boys have raised around £1200, it has also given them a realisation of what it would be like living on the street.”

The charity works with young people between the ages of 16 and 25 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It aims to enable them to build the skills and resources required to make a positive and healthy transition to adulthood, while avoiding or moving on from homelessness.

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