BB Represented at BYC in London
Tuesday 14th November 2017Three BB young leaders represented The Boys’ Brigade at the British Youth Council’s annual council meeting in London at the beginning of September. The BB delegation comprised of: Cabrini Brown, 1st Ballygowan; James Hollyhead, 2nd Wednesbury; and Callum Laing, 3rd Perth.
The young people expressed how important it is that the voice of BB young people is heard at such a level and that BB needs to do more to engage with the British Youth Council.
Reflecting on the weekend, Cabrini said:
“It was fantastic to see so many young people so passionate about things close to their heart or current issues in today’s society.”
James added:
“I really enjoyed the ACM and I thought it was a great opportunity to get involved and represent The Boys’ Brigade and to give BB opinions on the motions which were put forward to be debated on the day.”