Are you using Challenge Plus?
Thursday 29th October 2015Do your Seniors use the Challenge Plus Material?
Sometimes we’re told that a Company hasn’t enough Seniors to run a separate programme. But we know that this can result in a catch 22 situation, where no programme is operated so there’s little to attract or retain the older teenagers.
The Challenge Plus material can work with different numbers of young people and one of the keys to its successful use, is the young people themselves determining what they want to be involved in.
The programme consists of:
.01 Projects
are longer activities that take more hours to complete spread over several weeks. Projects include taster sessions that can act as an introduction and be used to see if the project is of interest.
Young Enterprise. The overall aim of the Project is to create a functioning business model and to take on specific roles within it.
The main activity is ‘In Business’ to develop a money making idea, with young people taking different roles, bringing out their individual skills/gifts.
One of the taster sessions is entitled, “The Apprentice” and focuses on observing and evaluating a business model. The project also looks at “Ethical Business” discussing how to be a good employer, make money and treat others fairly.
Active Citizen. The overall aim of the Project is to explore the rights and responsibilities of a citizen.
The main activity is ‘My Cause is….’ which is about exploring issues concerning the right and responsibilities of being part of a community and developing a campaign relating to an issue of concern in your community.
The Taster sessions include: “Heroes” thinking about how individuals have changed the world; and “Hold a Referendum” to see democracy in action.
.02 Challenges
are shorter activities that can be completed by the group or by an individual. Some challenges can be completed on the usual group meeting night whilst others may require a different night or venue.
Sample Challenges:
- Learn and take part in a Winter Sport
- Taste and review a local Takeaway (send review to local paper/media)
- Changing Rooms – decorate a room in the church
- Invite and take the BB Chaplain to a fast food restaurant
- Complete at least 50 kick-up’s as a group
- Raise £100 for a charity
If you do not already have the Challenge Plus Programme Pack then get yours from BB Supplies, just £40.00. The pack contains hundreds of projects and challenges with supporting resources for young people within this age group and encourages them to plan and develop their own programme.
Share what Projects & Challenges your young people get up to @bbgazette or email gazette@boys-brigade.org.uk