Anchors & Juniors Programme: Summer 2020 Activity Cards
Monday 27th April 2020As we are currently unable to meet face-to-face due to the Coronvirus outbreak we have taken the decision to not publish the Summer 2020 Activity Cards for the Anchors and Juniors age groups (this includes both printed and online versions).
Rest assured during this period our staff team are working hard to support leaders through delivering the #BBatHOME programme, which provides a set of weekly activities for each age group along with other resources. We will continue to resource the #BBatHOME programme whilst groups are not able to meet face-to-face and would encourage all groups to get involved in sharing the programme with members,
The Autumn 2020 Programme Planner is available to download at boys-brigade.org.uk/programme/ to support programme planning for the new session (although this will be subject to change at a later date). We are planning to distribute the Autumn 2020 Activity Cards as usual with the next Gazette which is due to hit doorsteps at the end of July.