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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

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Anchor Boy Fun Day

Thursday 20th August 2015

Northern Ireland District welcomed nearly 700 Anchor Boys on Saturday 18 April 2015 to Newport, its new Headquarters, for a day of entertainment and activities to help raise funds for the renovation and extension of the new premises.

The Fun Day provided the boys with an action packed selection of activities including a train ride, bouncy assault course, crafts, penalty shootout, ‘soak the leader’ and a puppet show with the most popular being the train ride and ‘soak the leader’.

This was the first event of its kind to be held at Newport and received rave reviews. Warm spring sunshine made it a perfect day for the outdoor event. It was interesting to observe how the simplest of activities and the puppet show captured the boys’ attention and imagination. NI District has now set up a YouTube Channel – a video of the Fun Day may be viewed at the link:


The new BB superhero character ‘Incredible Ed’ (representing NI District’s Community Relations, Equality and Diversity programme) made his first appearance at the Anchor Boy Fun Day. The costume was based on a winning design from an Anchor Boy colouring competition during 2014/15.

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