AGM Agenda
Friday 5th August 2016- To receive and adopt the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016 together with the Reports of the Brigade Executive and Auditors thereon.
- To confirm the annual capitation fee for 2016/17 session as agreed at Brigade Council in Wolverhampton 5th September 2015 and to fix the annual capitation fees for the 2017/18 session as proposed below.
Capitation Fees for 2017/18
The Capitation Fee structure with effect from
1 September 2017 is:Annual Company registration fee
£125Fee per young person
£14.00Officer fee
Company Officers
(second officer at the same address)
Battalion & District Officers not on Company roll
Officers in receipt of state retirement pension
Officers in full time
education or training
£21.00Helper Fee
£14.00The fee in respect of an Associate Member is £27.00
The maximum fee that a Company may pay in respect of young people is £1,650.00
- To appoint the auditors of The Boys’ Brigade and authorise the Brigade Executive to fix their remuneration.
- To appoint Brigade Office-bearers for Session 2016/17 as will be proposed by the Brigade Executive.
- Motion in the name of London District:
In Brigade Regulations, Section 3 (The Organisation – Regulations & Procedures), Schedule B (Terms of service for members of National Bodies), After Clause B15, insert,
Trustee time limit
B 16 Where a person who is a Trustee has undertaken any combination of Representative Member, Young People, Co-opted Trustee and/or Brigade Office Bearer roles in succession, his or her maximum aggregate term of office as a trustee shall be nine years from the date of his or her first appointment as a Trustee as registered at Companies House. Where the nine-year period is exceeded part way through a Brigade Session, he or she shall retire on 31 August thereafter.
B 16.1 Any person who serves the maximum period as a Trustee permitted under these Regulations shall be eligible for re-election as a Trustee (in any role for which he or she is otherwise eligible) following a break in service for a period of at least 12 months. The maximum period of service set down by these Regulations shall also apply to any period of further service following such re-election.”
B 17 For the avoidance of doubt, clause B16:B 17.1 shall apply to all periods of service since 1 September 2009. No Trustee who was appointed on or before 1 September 2009 and who has served continuously since then shall be: (a) Required to retire before 31 August 2018, or (b) Permitted to continue in office beyond 31 August 2018.
B 17.2 Shall not override clause B13.2 - To transact any other lawful business
By order of the Brigade Executive
William C.F. Stevenson
Acting Brigade Secretary
31 March 2016
All Members of Brigade Council as defined by the Articles of Association are entitled to be present and vote at this meeting or, in their absence, they may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. A form of proxy will be sent to all members with the Summer Gazette and, if used, should be returned to the Company’s Registered Office not later than 2pm on Thursday 1st September 2016.
The Members of Brigade Council are: Companies, Area Groups (Battalions & Districts), Members of the Brigade Executive and Members of Regional Committees.
Registered Office: The Boys’ Brigade, Felden Lodge, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP3 0BL
Registered Company No.: 145122 Registered Charity No.: 305969