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3 Young Leaders, 876 Miles cycle ride and £5K for Cancer Charity

Thursday 6th February 2014

Well done to three members of 2nd Newtownabbey who completed the 876 mile cycle ride from John O’Groat’s to Land’s End this summer in aid of Action Cancer.

It took Ryan and Adam Urquhart together with Michael Wilson from the Company, and two friends Ryan McClure and Matthew Colligan, 16 days to complete the journey and they hope to have raised £5000 for the charity. Ryan and Michael have returned to the Company after turning 18 and are training as Leaders in the Junior Section.

Michael, who has been a member of the Company since the age of 5, shared something of his experience; “I loved the cycle; the support, the companionship, the open road and the humbling experience. It was amazing to be taken out of my comfort zone, out of a world full of easily obtainable comfort and technology, and to be plunged into the deep end of a liberating world of necessity and adventure. It was absolutely fantastic, I loved it, there were ups and downs throughout, we had moments of pain and moments of joy and we had moments of doubt and moments of faith”.

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