Virtual Sexual Health & Relationships Training
Virtual Event
This is a virtual course being organised locally by 4th London.
It will be taking place on Zoom at a cost of £25 per person. It aims to:
- Provide a biblical foundation for why Christians should be talking about relationships and sex.
- Update you on how changes in Relationships and Sex education in schools are impacting young people.
- Equip you to run small group sessions that help young people make sense of their questions around relationships and sex.
- Empower you to be proactive in informal conversations with young people about relationships and sex.
- Be a safe place to ask difficult questions and hear different ideas on how to approach topics.
- Help you change cultures of silence around relationships and sex that cause young people to struggle in isolation.
The course will be run by ACET UK which is a UK charity that specialises in this area and supports Vhurches and schools to deliver sessions. The course is designed to help you start responding to these in practical, dynamic, and life-giving ways that will help young people bring their faith and their views on sex and relationships together in an authentic way.
Further information about the course can be found on the ACET UK website at acet-uk.com/what-we-do-and-why/fullness
For further information and to book a place, please contact Stephen Taylor-Hunt on stephen@4thlondonbb.org