King's Badge Completion
King’s Badge Completion (Larbert)
Carronvale House
Carronvale Road
King’s Badge Completion is the final step for young people who are working towards their King’s Badge.
This course is being organised by Paisley & District Battalion and costs £65 per person. Please advise of any special dietary requirements at time of booking. Uniform is not required but please bring sports attire, pen and pad. A charity tuck shop will be available.
It is an action packed residential weekend, full of fun, mayhem, faith, and fellowship. Participants will reflect on their King’s Badge journey and celebrate their achievement and look forward. The course is largely practical based and will encourage young people to be more involved in the running and management of their own BB Companies. The programme includes leadership exercises, role-plays, simulation games, presentations and discussions.
It is a requirement that all King’s Badge Books must be completed as far as possible prior to attending this course and must be to as high standard.
To book a place and for further details, please contact Stewart Digney on