Celebrating 136 Years of The Boys’ Brigade!
Friday 4th October 2019Today the Brigade is celebrating its 136th anniversary, having begun in Glasgow on 4th October 1883.
Over the last 136 years the Brigade has built up a rich heritage which we are rightly proud of, and equally we are proud of the fantastic work that continues to take place in nearly 1,300 communities across the country driven by around 12,000 adult volunteers.
Over 40,000 children and young people are members of the movement and it is great to see that over 7,500 of them started out on their BB adventure in the past year. Members are able to take part in a wide-ranging programme of activities, trips and residentials both in their local area and further afield, as well as opportunities to share and explore the Christian faith.
In recent months we have been challenging Companies to improve the quality of experience for children and young people through our Raise the Bar campaign. This reflects our belief that by focussing on the quality of our work we can see the Brigade reaching out to more children and young people through sustained growth in membership.
We have been active in ensuring that our young people have a voice both internally and externally with them taking a lead in shaping both our movement and the world they live in.
We have also taken the time to reflect on our work to enable us to look ahead and determine our priorities and vision for the future, including by consulting with our membership and carrying out external research.
Much has been achieved over the last year and we thank all those volunteers who give their time so freely to further our vision of children and young people experiencing “life to the full” (John 10:10).
Check out what some of our members had to say about their BB experience…