BB marks St Andrew’s Day by launching new fundraising appeal for World Mission
Thursday 30th November 2017The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland has today (St Andrew’s Day) announced a fundraising appeal to support refugee children in Egypt as part of the new World Mission Fund (WMF) project.
BB companies across Scotland are being encouraged to get involved to support the work of St Andrew’s Refugee Service (StARS) in Cairo. Money raised will be used to build outdoor play facilities for refugee children and young people for StARS, which provides a safe and inclusive space for displaced people to come together as a community.
In the previous fundraising appeal, BB members took part in the ‘Climate Conscious’ Project which raised £10,000 to support environmental efforts in Bangladeshi villages.
John Sharp, Director for Scotland, The Boys’ Brigade, said:
“I would encourage as many people as possible to support the new WMF project. I think StARS is an incredibly worthwhile cause. Refugee children haven’t always had the freedoms that we enjoy, but I hope that we can raise enough money to support young people to play, have fun and be themselves.
“World Mission is just one of many ways in which the BB provides young people chances to play an active role in helping others – both here and around the world. It’s important that our members can also learn about these issues and what it means to be a global citizen.”
The people which StARS supports come from many places, including Ethiopia, Eritrea, Iraq, South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.
Kalesha Mayne, 21, leader with 8th Paisley company, travelled to Bangladesh as part of the last WMF project and is already involved in the new appeal. She said:
“The centre has really basic play equipment and the aim of the project is to build them a brand new play area, have fun and have a chance to forget about the other challenges in their lives.”
This year marks 70 years of the BB World Mission Fund and over that time it has raised over £1.5 million to support projects across the world.
To find out more about Boys’ Brigade (CoS) World Mission fund, please visit http://bit.ly/worldmissionBBGB
Image capation: Members of 1st Lenzie company help launch the new appeal. Back row: Euan Cameron, Jack Gordon, Aaron Meier, Sam Meier and Lucas Miller. Front: Jonathon Bryce, Richard McNaught, Grant Tedeschi
Tags: WMF, World Mission Fund