News From The Brigade’s AGM
Friday 30th October 2015Annual Capitation Fees (2016/17)
Annual Company registration |
£135.00 |
Fee per young person |
£13.25 |
Officer fee |
Company Officers |
£27.00 |
(second officer at the same address) |
£22.00 |
Battalion & District Officers not on Company roll |
£27.00 |
Officers in receipt of state retirement pension |
£21.00 |
Officers in full time education or training |
£21.00 |
Staff Sergeant / Helper Fee |
£13.25 |
The fee in respect of an Associate Member is £27.00
The maximum fee that a Company may pay in respect of young people is £1,650.00
Brigade Auditors
Whiting & Partners were reappointed as Auditors of The Boys’ Brigade and the Brigade Executive authorised to fix their remuneration.
Brigade Office Bearers (2015/16)
President: The Rev’d The Lord Griffiths of Burry Port
Vice President: Mr T W P Donaldson
Mr A S Burrow
Mr M J Smith
Treasurer: Mr C Bygrave FCA
Chaplain: The Very Rev’d Andrew McLellan CBE