Online Brigade Manager is coming soon!
Thursday 29th October 2015With changing needs both externally and internally, the Brigade has been looking into the replacement of our current Membership database.
Following a review of systems by Trustees and Staff and consultation at the Brigade Conference in September 2015 the Brigade is pleased to announce that a new system will be launched in April 2016. Online Brigade Manager (OBM) will provide functionality at local level as well as meeting the needs of the wider Brigade for the registration of leaders and Companies through BB Headquarters.
What will OBM deliver for your Company?
- Streamlining administration – manage everything in one place.
- All leaders can access the system.
- Record keeping is quick and easy – young people’s data, attendance register, badge records, and camp/holiday/event management.
- Across all age groups – incorporates age group programmes and award structures.
- Transfer members when they move up a section or even move to a different Company.
- Parents/Carers can access system through My.BB to sign-up to events, see badge progress, pay online, update details, see programme and access essential files/publications (e.g. consent forms).
- Communicate inside or outside OBM with email mailing lists or text messaging.
- Payments / Gift Aid – Ability to take online payments for subs and camps/events through the direct debits system which also incorporates gift aid management where applicable.
- Access Anywhere – with online and offline modes you can access on the web or through the app on your smartphone or tablet wherever you are.
- Proven & Trusted – OBM is safe, secure, and a data protection act compliant system already being used by thousands of volunteer leaders in Scouting and Guiding across the globe.
OBM will also deliver functionality to Battalions and Districts providing access to search leader and Company data (within area), communicate with leaders/Companies and access a reporting framework.
Further details about the launch will be announced in the Winter Gazette and e-BB news.