A quality experience for all…
Wednesday 8th December 2021In the last Gazette, Rev Stewart Cutler talked about identity and about how our identity is in Christ.
So, hi, I’m Leigh, I’m a Christian and some of you may recognise my name because you voted for me to be the National Chaplain at Brigade Council in September.
As National Chaplain I work alongside others as part of the Christian Faith Group. This is a group of people from across the organisation with a particular focus on the Christian Faith foundations of the BB.
We are currently looking at the relationship that the BB has, as a national organisation and as local Companies, with Chaplains. We are conscious that the statistical returns each year show that quite a significant number of Companies do not have a registered Chaplain.
We want to ensure that the quality experience that our five- year strategy is seeking to provide across the organisation also includes a quality experience for Chaplains, and ensuring they receive the support that they might need to undertake their role.
In order for us to provide that support, it’s really important that your Chaplains are registered so that we can contact them. If you’re a Company Captain/Correspondent make sure your Chaplain is listed in the Leaders section on OBM, if not then grab hold of the form from the website and get them registered.
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) calls us all to go and make disciples of all nations. As BB leaders we all have a part to play in that Commission, because we are all called by God, our identity is in Christ as Stewart reminded us previously.
However, BB Chaplains have a special and unique role to play in this too. Chaplains are, after all, the direct link between the local Church and the Company, but unlike BB leaders, in many situations they receive no real training to take on the role of a Chaplain.
So, Chaplains, this bit is for you. Help us to help you to ‘go and make disciples’ in your BB Company. What support do you need? What would it be helpful for us to provide you? Do you have specific questions that you’re struggling to get answers for? Please do get in touch and help us provide resources that you will find useful, you can contact me on: leigh.maydew@boys-brigade.org.uk
Rev Leigh Maydew
Leigh is a Methodist Minister serving in the Bristol and South Gloucestershire Circuit and is in his final term as the National Chaplain of The Boys’ Brigade. With a background in youth and community work, Leigh really enjoys the opportunity to spend time with his local BB Company and is looking forward to Battalion Camp in the summer after two years of cancellations.
In his spare time Leigh enjoys walking his two rescue Collies with his family and often adding to the pack by joining with friends and colleagues. In recent months he has also taken to the driving range in an attempt to learn how to play golf.