Announcement: Brigade Secretary
Monday 17th October 2016We are pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Stevenson as Brigade Secretary and Chief Executive.
Bill has been the Director for Scotland since 2009 and moves to take up this appointment with immediate effect.
On the appointment Alistair Burrow, Vice-President, The Boys’ Brigade, said “I am delighted that Bill Stevenson has agreed to continue working with us, as we seek to build on recent successes in opening new Companies and experimenting with new ways to deliver youth work in more challenging situations. Bill has a vast knowledge and experience of the Brigade and, yet, retains a keen sense of innovation and experiment which I am sure will help to keep us moving forward. I am looking forward to working closely with him to deliver our strategic aims.”
Best wishes to you Bill Stevenson.
It was great to hear of the appointment of Bill Stevenson to the position of Brigade Secretary and Chief Executive.
Bill has been highly thought of for the last twenty five or so years that I have known him.
When I was on holiday in Shetland in June, in one of the churches I visited in Unst, there was a magazine with an
article about Bill. Well done.
Congratulations on your appointment, well deserved. Party plans?