Joining, Annual Information and Special Activity Consent Forms
Wednesday 2nd January 2019A reminder about the introduction of new forms including the Annual Information Form, Joining Form and Special Activity Consent Form. These forms should be being used by ALL Companies and at all levels of the Brigade as of August 2018, replacing all previous versions.
Capturing details on OBM
As part of the mandatory requirement to add children and young people to OBM, confirmation that the Joining Form has been completed and received by the Company will be required and be recorded as part of the process of adding children and young people into a section on OBM.
In addition to the First name, Last name, Date of Birth, Registration Date, Started Section Date and Sex you will also now be asked to provide the date the Joining Form was completed by the Parent/Carer along with the name of the Parent/Carer completing the form.
Recording Photo Consent on OBM
New functionality has been added to OBM to enable Leaders and Parents/Carers to record/update photo consent for members.
Guidance on the use of these forms and new functionality on OBM has been put together and is available to download at
Download the Joining, Annual Information & Special Activity Consent Forms at leaders.boys-brigade.org.uk/forms.htmt