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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary



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Tunisia Attack Tribute

Saturday 11th July 2015

We are shocked and deeply saddened to hear the tragic news of the deaths of Jim and Ann McQuire in the Tunisian shootings. They had given a life of service to young people and to the church and community and the prayers and thoughts of The Boys’ Brigade go out to their family and friends and to the 5th Cumbernauld Company at this most difficult time.

Jim was initially ordained an elder at Lochwood Parish Church where he first became a BB Officer in the 165th Glasgow Company. He later captained the 5th Cumbernauld Company located at Abronhill, which also served as Jim and Ann’s home church.

There has been an incredible outpouring of love and support from the people Jim and Ann touched throughout their lives and from the wider movement. The Boys’ Brigade was an enormous part of Jim’s life and he and Ann will be greatly missed by all.


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