Skills for King's Badge

Enhancing Your Skills (Scotland)


27th September 2024 at 7:00pm


29th September 2024 at 1:00pm


Carronvale House
Carronvale Road


Friday 27th – Saturday 28th September 2024 (Fri 7pm – Sat 4pm)
Saturday 28th – Sunday 29th September 2024 (Sat 2.30pm – Sun 1pm)
Friday 6th – Saturday 7th December 2024
Saturday 7th – Sunday 8th December 2024

This residential course is suitable for those working towards their King’s Badge and meets the requirements of Skills for King’s Badge.

It consists of training that will help develop skills that can be used back in the Company. This course is suitable for work in any age group.

Sessions include:

Personal development
Skill development
Leadership exercises
STEP into success
Faith building

Participants need not to be working towards the King’s Badge to be eligible to attend the course. All the training is geared towards any young person who would benefit from developing their skills for their work in the Company.

The majority of course work is of a practical nature and does not involve a lot of writing.

Courses provide an excellent opportunity to meet fellow BB members from all over Scotland.

Whilst work should not commence for Queen’s Badge until a Candidates Conference is completed, attendance at a Skills Based training course, or equivalent is required, therefore bookings should be made early in the session so participants and the company have the maximum benefit from attending. There must be at least 6 months from completion of skills based training to attendance at a completion residential.

Cost £45 per person

Full details will be sent to leaders of those registered nearer the time.

For more information and to book a place please complete the form via the following link:-