5000 Mile Challenge for Sport Relief!
Friday 12th February 2016This year the Boys’ Brigade have teamed up with Comic Relief who have set us an exciting and gruelling challenge, The Boys’ Brigade 5000 Mile Challenge!
Companies up and down the country are encouraged to take part in the 5000 mile challenge to raise £50,000 for Sport Relief and help people living tough lives in the UK and some of the world’s poorest countries. We have some fantastic prizes and goodies for those that get involved.
Want to go the extra mile, here’s how:
- Download The Boys’ Brigade Fundraising pack
- Inform us that you plan to get involved by filling out the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BBsportrelief
- Think about how you and your Company can get in the miles whilst raising money for Sport Relief.
It would be amazing if you and your Company could get on-board and help go the distance for Sport Relief.
The 1st Campbeltown Company Boys’ Brigade recently completed a 3 mile Sponsored walk for the above event.
A total of 18 boys and officers and 8 parent took part making a total of 78 miles and sponsor money nearing £400 .
A L Nimmo Acting Captain