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Helping you get through exam time

Wednesday 27th April 2022

Exams can be an anxious and a challenging time for thousands of young people every year.  But are there things you can do to help you deal with these added pressures?

Some of our young BB leaders have shared what helped them get through the exam weeks…

Callum, 1st Lenzie: 

In a world full of anxiety and stress, prayer offers a lifeline that is always open for every aspect of life. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no and sometimes there doesn’t seem to be any clear answer. However, what prayer always helps with is clearing my head, relieving the stress of exams and clearing the anxiety of results. Please pray for our young people and teachers over this exam diet.

David, 2nd/4th Prestwick: 

I always found maintaining a good balance between studying and other activities helped relieve stress, such as sports and BB. 

Duncan, 65th Edinburgh:

One of the things I find really good is getting outside if the weather’s good (which it always seems to be when you’re studying) and going on a walk or a run. Also, if studying isn’t going as you planned, not to worry, taking a break or revisiting your plan is a good idea – there’s no point in studying if it isn’t beneficial – so taking that break can get you back on track. Hope this helps!!  

Stuart, 15th Coatbridge:

I always found that breaking up the studying into smaller pieces helped. Having it in manageable chunks with clear breaks makes it much less daunting, ensuring you always know you can escape at times helps it seem much less overwhelming. 

Ryan, 4th Dunfermline:

Yeah I agree with taking plenty of breaks. Especially when stuck on a particular bit. Also making sure to take time to relax and do something you enjoy at times so you don’t overwhelm yourself. 

Michael, 3rd Inverness:

Taking a break every so often particularly when stuck so going back in with a fresh mind…Also take time to relax and get some time to yourself. Its also important to remember that teachers and support staff are there if you need them throughout this time.  

Scott, 48th Edinburgh:

One thing I would add is to make sure you get plenty of sleep, especially the night before an exam. All nighters seem like a good idea, but you retain less information when you’re tired and it means you’re not at your best for the exam.

What has worked well for you?

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Other useful advice:

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