One Big Message of Hope
Friday 10th December 2021Leaders in Northern Ireland have demonstrated great determination, hope, joy, creativity and enthusiasm in getting back to BB face-to-face; sharing the love of Jesus with their children and young people and focusing on Advancing Christ’s Kingdom with ‘One Big Message of Hope’.
Anchors at 24th Belfast are having some busy nights back at BB in the hall. Recently they learnt about the Bible story of the Lost Sheep, craft time drawing and painting sheep, games, news time and learning to stand to attention!

1st Lisburn Anchors are back to BB and they recently made Leaf Lanterns using the activity card from the termly programme resources.

2nd Ballynahinch kicked off the new session with a fundraising car wash at the Church Hall.

1st Mountjoy Juniors are glad to be back at BB. It’s great to see them enjoying activity sheets provided by the District in their BB Restart Pack.